2024 Time and Talents
Mark your interests. We’ll reach out with details before you have to commit.
Each person should fill out their own form.
This form is for adults. Fill out the kid form at https://hosannaliberty.breezechms.com/form/2024kidservice
Please select all that apply.
Plan worship and music with committee
Play special music (vocal or instrumental)
Lead Kyrie or other singing during worship
Sing in the choir
Prepare Communion on Altar Guild
Greet people at the door and usher
Read scripture and prayers as lector
Serve Communion
Run audio/video livestream
Host fellowship treats and coffee after worship
Please select all that apply.
Make outreach plans with the committee
Join the prayer chain (via email)
Provide household help to members in need
Help us welcome/support neurodiversity
Boost our social media presence
Faith Formation
Please select all that apply.
Make plans with committee
Help with Christmas Program
Join a study group
Work with children or youth
Help with Sunday faith formation for kids
Please select all that apply.
Provide food for funeral receptions
Help plan/host Hosanna! Day on Palm Sunday
Help plan/host Rally Day in fall
Help plan and host congregational events
Join a Dinner In or Dinner Out group
Attend senior Lunch Bunch meals monthly
Please select all that apply.
Help foster generosity with committee
Count offerings periodically after worship
Help with fundraisers
Social Ministry
Please select all that apply.
Plan service projects with committee
Repair homes with Rebuilding Together
Work at Metro Luth. Ministry Christmas Store
Make and send Valentine's for Vets
Contribute to In As Much Ministry pantry
Crochet or cut material for child’s blankets
Drive members to worship
Drive members to doctor appointments
Provide meals for members around birth, surgery, death, etc.
Serve meals to homeless downtown
Please select all that apply.
Plan and organize projects with team
Conduct general repair
Help with regular cleaning
Help with periodic clean-up /landscaping days
Tidy up building weekly/bi-weekly
Keep up landscaping (pull weeds, etc.)
Small Groups
Please select all that apply.
Join WELCA (Women of the ELCA)
Get a men’s group started
Get a senior’s group started
Lead a small group
Attend God on Tap (conversation at bar)
Join a grief and loss group
There's another ministry I'd like to join or one I'd like to start with support:
Email (optional)
This address will receive a confirmation email
Mark your interests. We’ll reach out with details before you have to commit.
Each person should fill out their own form.
This form is for adults. Fill out the kid form at https://hosannaliberty.breezechms.com/form/2024kidservice
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